NextGen Ministry

Kids Ministry Sunday Morning Small Groups are meeting back on campus.
Please review our COVID plan HERE.

Temporary Programming for Elementary (K – 5th Grade)

In response to the COVID-19 virus, our Kids Ministry is hosting temporary online programming:

Weekly Kids Min Broadcast

Sunday mornings after the 9:30a and 11:00a Worship Services. Our amazing large group leaders (or Interns) will be leading your kids just like they would in the Garage or Warehouse.  We’ll have worship, Bible story time, and just a lot of fun! You can catch the broadcast on our NextGen Youtube Channel or stay tuned after either Worship Service HERE.

Family Follow Up

Resources will be emailed and posted on our Facebook page: Northeast Kids Ministry.

Looking for a Little Fun?

Check out our social media channels (listed below) periodically for fun family challenges and games! Don’t miss all the excitement!

You can access all of these elements by following us on Instagram and Facebook or on our
Northeast NextGen YouTube channel (click subscribe while you’re there!)

Compassion International

It’s so important to come together and serve others, especially in a time like this. One way we serve together is by giving toward Compassion International to support Mohananda. Compassion helps these kids and their families by helping provide food, clothes, an education, medical assistance, and most importantly the good news of Jesus! Click the link below to give now or set aside a bucket or jar to put your offering in each week until we can meet again and turn in those funds together.

NextGen Compassion Offering


Elementary age kids (Kindergarten – 5th Grade) will have a great time participating in the many activities we offer for them.

Three foundational truths taught in Elementary:

I should treat others how I want to be treated.
I can trust God no matter what.
I need to make the wise choice.

The Orange Philosophy

What do we mean by 'orange?' It's when the influence of the love from the family (red) and the light of the church (yellow) come together to impact the next generation. The NextGen Ministry at Northeast exists to partner with parents in the discipleship of their children. Through the celebration of faith milestones, movement along the Northeast discipleship pathway, and by creating opportunities for family faith experiences, the ministry team at Northeast serves parents and families by being a catalyst for discipleship in the home.


Who: Kindergarten – 3rd Grade
: 9:30 & 11:00a
: EMB* – Rooms 101-108 & The Garage
: Children rotate through large group and small group activities using Orange curriculum. Live worship, media and skits are used to engage children.


Who: 4th – 5th Grade
When: 9:30 & 11:00a
Where: EMB* – The Warehouse
What: Children rotate through large group and small group activities using Orange curriculum. Live worship, media and skits are used to engage children.

Parent Resources

For weekly updates and suggested discussion starters that connect to our curriculum

Kinder – 5th Parent Cue

Meet the Staff Team

Randi Luna

Kids Ministry Director

Amy Kaesberg

Kids Ministry Child Care Coordinator

Diane Schmidt

NextGen Ministry Coordinator

Download the Parent Cue App!

As a parent, some of the most important things you do for your child don't happen in a single day. You make small deposits in their lives week after week—over time. That's why the Parent Cue App gives you weekly cues to help you make the most of the time you spend with your kid or teenager.

Get the App Now!

Interested in serving on the team?

let us know!

For more information, contact