Our Mission is to support those who are serving Christ through foster care and adoption, and to provide compassionate care and information to future and present adoptive families in our community.


“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
James 1:27, ESV


At Northeast, we respond to God’s call to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ.


Support Group

Join other foster and adopt families at Monthly Meetings

When: 2nd Wednesday of the Month (Sept. – May)* | 6:30 – 8:00p
Where: ECM – The Parent’s Lounge

For more information, contact Janai Kane at janaikane@gmail.com

Support Families (Care Community)

Families wrapping God’s love around those called to foster and adopt.

How: Prayer, child mentor, babysitting, meal train, donations, errands, laundry, tutoring, respite care, house cleaning, yard care, grocery pickup/delivery, transportation and more!

Get Involved!

For more information, contact Tamara Duke at texasaggie1993@gmail.com

Do you know…in Northeast’s surrounding counties there are:

*1,240 Children legally free for adoption
*2,577 Children in foster care
*1,421 Licensed foster homes
*834 Needed foster homes

*data current as of 03/2021 for San Antonio Area