MomCo 2024-2025
Second Thurs. of every Month | Sept - May | 6:30p Northeast Bible Church - Elementary Ministry Building (EMB) | $85
With wild hope we invite you to join other mothers in our MomCo meetup! MomCo (formally known as MOPS/MOMSnext) has two groups for moms. One for moms with children ages 0-preschool and the other for moms of school-aged children. Both are specifically geared towards moms looking for Christ-centered community and support. We understand that "mothering matters," and we hope to enhance the journey by creating a place for friendship, devotion, and creative outlets. Register below to join the roster, or check out your first MomCo meetup for free. See you soon!
MomCo Trivia Night
Parent's Night Out: Trivia Night. Presented by MomCo💡
4/5 | 5:30-7:30P | THE CHAPEL | $25 PER PERSON
Up for a parents' night out? We know we are! All parents are invited to join us for food, prizes, and lots of fun at Trivia Night, hosted by MomCo! Dinner is on us, and childcare is available when you register. Looking forward to a fun night out with you!