
Men’s Campfire

3/25 | 7-9P | FREE

Men’s Campfire has moved – now on Tuesday night, and it’s coming up on March 25th! All Northeast guys are invited to Matt’s place for a night around the fire: bring a lawn chair, some water, and something to throw on the grill. Reach out to our Ministry Coordinator below to get Matt’s address!


Men’s Ministry at Northeast is about creating opportunities through Equip Groups to challenge yourself and experience change as you follow Christ, living in community with other men.

WEEKLY Equip Groups

We have Equip Groups on various days of the week and with various areas of study.  All studies are open to new members. Click the button to view our open studies and message the leaders to join.

Men’s Equip Groups




Have more questions? Email

*EMB – Elementary Ministry Building
*ECM – Early childhood ministry