The Weekly Guide  | 3.16.25

Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here!

Our mission is to make disciples who pursue Jesus fully and love others deeply, bringing the gospel to every home in the Northeast corner of San Antonio in the process. That’s why we worship together on the weekends, pursue discipleship in groups, and invest in others through service. No matter who you are or where you come from, YOU BELONG HERE!

Lent Reading Guide 💐

3/5-4/20 |

Observe Lent this Easter season by reading with us through our Lent Reading Guide. We created a week-by-week walkthrough to remember Christ’s story through Scripture reading, fasting, and prayer. It’s a great opportunity to slow down and realign our hearts in the weeks leading up to Easter. Get the guide below to start reading!

Read with Us

Explore Northeast 🔎


Come and “meet our church” at Explore Northeast! It’s our informational lunch where you can come and learn more about our church, our mission, and how you can be part of it! It’s also a great place to ask questions, make some new friends, and get connected. Lunch is on us, and so is childcare. Register below to let us know you’re coming!


Baptisms 🌊

4/6 | 9 & 10:45a | WORSHIP CENTER

Say “YES” to Jesus through baptism! Baptism is a public celebration of a private decision, and it’s a step Jesus modeled for us and asked us to take in obedience. Register below to be baptized, and we can’t wait to celebrate with you!


Volunteers Needed: Come Serve in Kids Min! 🪁

Positions Open: preschool leaders at both services | 2nd grade leaders at 9a

Kids Min is growing and growing, and we really need more volunteers to help us out. We currently need preschool leaders (for both 9 and 10:45a services); a 2nd grade helper (9a service); and companion “buddies” for our Special Needs Ministry. If you can’t lead every week, you can still volunteer as a substitute leader, and that helps! We give you everything you need to walk kids through their activities, play games with them, and run classrooms alongside other volunteers. Be part of the little-by-little change that lasts a lifetime. Register to serve below!

Serve with Us

Love Where You Live (Spring 2025 Service Day) 🛠️

4/12 | 8a-4p | Meet at RockPoint Church (500 Schertz Pkwy)

We’re rolling up our sleeves to serve our neighbors through yard work, minor home repairs, and other acts of service – like connecting with mostly homebound people and encouraging them and praying over them. Jesus often introduced His message with small acts of kindness, and we want to follow His example. Register for one or more two-hour service slots as an individual, family, or small group. Follow the link below to learn more or to register!

Register to Serve

2030 Plan: Our 5-Year Vision for Northeast 🏙️

As we look ahead to regional growth and plan for the future, we are responding to the call Jesus gave us to make disciples—and we are committed to answering that call! Our 2030 Plan is centered on our core values, key goals, and a vision for Northeast over the next five years. We are thrilled to share it with you. God has been moving powerfully here at Northeast, and we’re eager to see the incredible things He has in store. Get the 2030 Plan below!

View the 2030 Plan

2025 Bible Reading Plan 📖

Read the Bible with us this year! You can cover most of the Bible in a year by reading for five to ten minutes each day, and our digital plan makes it easy—tap the reference next to each date to open that day’s reading passage. Try it with us: get the daily 2025 plan and start reading!

Read with Us

Digital Prayer Wall 🙏

Need prayer? Pray with our church family through Northeast’s digital Prayer Wall. There’s a “PRAY” button in the bottom righthand corner of all our digital platforms. Tap it and create a login to post a prayer request, either publicly to our church-wide Prayer Wall or privately to our Prayer Team.

You can also sign in to view public requests, request follow-up, and get notifications when new prayers post. We look forward to loving our church family through intentional and abundant prayer: create a sign-in below to get started! ⤵️

How to Give 🤲

Support Northeast’s mission to make disciples who pursue Jesus fully and love others deeply! You can give in-person or online: we have tithe boxes in the back of the Worship Center, or you can give through our secure link below. Thank you for actively partnering with us in ministry!

Give Now

God has plans for each of us, and His will is that we would know Him more. No matter who you are or where you come from…


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