Group Resources
Buying a gift for many of us is an opportunity to show your love for them. For others it feels like one more item on our to do list that sends us to Walgreens on Christmas eve to buy stocking stuffers. Whether you are a giver that shops two months out or a waits until the last moment shopper, the reality of Christmas is that there are no perfect gifts. Every gift fades and tarnishes over time.
The Christmas season is a constant reminder of our longing for perfection in a world that can never deliver. And yet Christmas stands as a beacon in the night reminding us that every good gift has already been given and can be found in the person of Jesus Christ.
This year we will unwrap the Christmas story in the book of Luke and discover the beauty of how Jesus has come to bring us Every Good Gift.
LifeGroup Discussion Questions
11/21 – Deliverance
Luke 1:26-38
11/28 – Joy
Luke 1:5-25 & 1:39-45
12/5 – Help
Luke 1:46-56
12/12 – Mercy
Luke 1:57-80