Introduction to Lent

+ What is Lent?

Lent is an ancient season in the Church calendar that has been practiced as early as the second century. It’s a season of reflection, preparation, and renewal. Traditionally, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for forty days leading up to Good Friday of Holy Week (Sundays are traditionally taken off). The hope of Lent is to prepare the people of God for the truth that Easter Sunday conveys – that resurrection only happens after crucifixion.

The forty days of Lent are meant to bring about greater repentance and surrender as we remember Christ’s sacrifice. Followers of Jesus are encouraged to participate in practices like self-reflection, prayer, confession, and fasting to better commemorate and remember the purpose of this season.

+ Why participate in Lent?

Lent is a great opportunity to pause and remember the Cross during Easter season. Lent gives us the space we need to reflect on our sin, our brokenness, and that we are needy people. It also allows us to grieve the evil we experience while living in a broken world, and it points us to the unshakable truth that Jesus is the only hope for us and the world.

To be abundantly clear, practicing Lent carries no spiritual power in itself: it serves to align us with the Holy Spirit’s work within us to make us more like Jesus. This guide isn’t a spiritual “to-do” list: it’s a tool to help you follow Jesus during one of the most important seasons in the life of the Church. Please view this guide and its rhythms as invitations, not obligations. Practice Lent however you feel led, but consider giving some of the traditional fasts a try!

+ What is the purpose of fasting?

The purpose of fasting is twofold. First, fasting helps us eliminate some of the noise and distraction in our lives, allowing greater intimacy for Jesus. Secondly, fasting reminds us that only Jesus truly satisfies our souls; as we abstain from different things, we recognize that those things truly don’t meet the desires of our heart. Fasting isn’t merely subtracting something lesser from our lives: it’s an opportunity to add something greater.

If you’re up for it, we encourage you to participate in a traditional “Lenten Fast,” which typically challenges that you abstain from something like food, drink, hobbies, or forms of entertainment. We’ll have weekly fasting recommendations—a mix of more traditional and more contemporary options. Or, you can also choose to fast on your own from something specific of your season, like sweets, social media, caffeine, anything!


+ Weekly Lenten Challenge Fasts
Week 1: Food

Replace a certain meal or food with time spent in Scripture, prayer, or with God.

Week 2: Media and Entertainment

Don’t watch YouTube, or Netflix, or skip TV and movies altogether. Consider giving up video games or a go to game on your phone.

Week 3: Caffeine

Give up caffeine for a week; we dare you. That includes coffee, tea, most sodas, and ENERGY DRINKS!

Week 4: Social media

Grab your Bible to spend time with God instead of scrolling.

Week 5: Music

Listen to a “worship-only” playlist for this week.

Week 6: Shopping for Non-essentials

Don’t buy things you don’t really need this week, and remember that Jesus is enough.

Week 7: Sleep

Please, do sleep! But, we challenge you to set your alarms earlier or stay up a little later to spend intentional time with Jesus.

+ Questions Before You Start!

Here are some questions to consider before you start your own fast for Lent:

  1. Have I become dependent on something other than God to attend to the deeper aches of my soul?
  2. What do I use to find pleasure, comfort, or emotional regulation?
  3. What is something that, when I consider giving it up, strikes fear in me?
  4. What could I abstain from that might create more time or space in my day to draw closer to Jesus?

Week 1, 3/5 | Temptation - Jesus withstood it.

+ Week 1 Fast and Reading
This Week’s Fast: Food

There are many ways you can go about fasting from food. You might choose to skip a certain meal each day like breakfast or dinner or choose one day to fast from sunrise to sunset. Maybe you need to give up your favorite snacks, or candy, or dessert. Remember, this isn’t just about merely skipping a meal. The idea is that you would replace that time you usually give to eating to spend time reading your Bible, praying, going on a walk to experience God’s presence outside, or listening to a worship playlist.

This Week’s Passage

READ LUKE 4:1-13

Supplemental Passages

Hebrews 2:14-18; Hebrews 4:14-16; James 1:12-15; John 6:25-40

+ Prayer Prompt

Prayer Prompt: Ask God for strength against temptation this week. Be specific and honest with him about the things you’re struggling with and surrender them to Him.

Dear God,

In your word, you say that “No temptation has come upon you except what is common to humanity. But God is faithful; he will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation he will also provide a way out so that you may be able to bear it.” So, I ask for strength and perseverance through your Spirit in my struggles with temptation. Help me to say “no” to temptation so I can walk in obedience to you instead. Thank you for being more powerful than all of my temptations, and for loving me enough to give me strength in my weakness that I might not sin against you, but walk in obedience to you instead. I need you. In Jesus Name,


+ Reflection Questions

As you read and meditate on these scriptures this week, here are some helpful questions for reflection alone or in your Small Group:

  1. How was this first week for you?
  2. What did you learn about Jesus, or yourself this week as you read, prayed, fasted, and reflected? Specifically, regarding temptation?
  3. How have you experienced Jesus’ grace and provision this week in your life?

Week 2, 3/9 | Sin - Jesus paid for it.

+ Week 2 Fast and Reading
This Week’s Fast: Media & Entertainment

When it comes to media and entertainment, you can choose to simply not watch any TV or movies, or streaming services, or you can choose to not play any video games, or games on your phone this week. Some may choose to be more specific and choose not to watch any YouTube videos at lunch or video games before bed and instead use that time to spend with Jesus in scripture and prayer. Whatever you do, the goal is to consider where you’re spending time entertaining yourself so you can sacrifice some of that time to invest in your faith instead. (Don’t include social media in this piece unless you feel called to. We’ll have a whole week for that to be our focus in week 4.)

This Week’s Passage


Supplemental Passages

Psalm 51; Romans 6:23; 1 John 2:1-6; Matthew 9:1-8

+ Prayer Prompt

Confess your sin to God, believing Jesus paid for it and is gracious and kind to forgive it.

Dear God,

How quick I am to sin against you. How quick I am to choose the things I want over the things you want. Have mercy on me. Help me believe your Word that declares, “but if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.” Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to die the death I deserve for this sin. Thank you for granting me confident access to you through him. Thank you for the reality that I don’t have to feel shame because of the price You paid for me. Help me to remember that You are my hope and my joy.


+ Reflection Questions

As you read and meditate on the scriptures this week, here are some helpful questions for reflection alone or in your Small Group:

  1. How was your week as you focused on your sin and practiced repentance?
  2. What did you learn about Jesus, or yourself this week as you read, prayed, fasted, and reflected? Specifically, regarding sin and shame?
  3. How have you experienced Jesus’ grace and provision this week in your life?

Week 3, 3/16 | Brokenness - Jesus renews it.

+ Week 3 Fast and Reading
This Week’s Fast: Caffeine

This week might be the scariest if we’re honest. But something as simple as giving up caffeine for a week tells our bodies that they we are not slaves to it, and that Jesus alone is our sustainer each day. That may seem like a “corny” or “churchy” idea to you, but it’s a reality we need to recognize! Take this week to really lean into the Lord and ask for His strength.

This Week’s Passage

READ JOHN 4:1-30

Supplemental Passages

Luke 4:16-21; Matthew 9:9-13; 2 Corinthians 5:17-21; Romans 12:1-2

+ Prayer Prompt

Spend time in prayer asking Jesus to make you new just as He will make all things new.


In Your Word, You say there will be a day where You “will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away”. I recognize all the brokenness both in me, but also in our world around me. Holy Spirit, I ask that you continue Your work of making me a new creation so I can glorify you in every part of my life. Help me surrender the broken things I’m hanging on to and to be excited for the new, and eternal, creation that is coming. My hope is in you alone. In Jesus’ name I pray,


+ Reflection Questions

As you read and meditate on the scriptures this week, here are some helpful questions for reflection alone or in your Small Group:

  1. In what ways have you experienced the brokenness of the world and your own flesh this week?
  2. What did you learn about Jesus, or yourself this week as you read, prayed, fasted, and reflected?
  3. How have you experienced Jesus renewing you personally in your walk with Him?

Week 4, 3/23 | Suffering - Jesus uses it.

+ Week 4 Fast and Reading
This Week’s Fast: Social Media

If we’re honest, most of us are addicted to our phones, and so the enemy can easily use that as a tool against us. Fasting from social media helps us escape the addiction to what others think and believe about us, or the temptation to be jealous of what others have, so we can replace those thoughts with what God declares about us – that we are known fully, yet loved deeply.  Instead of waking up and immediately grabbing your phone to scroll TikTok or Instagram or Snapchat, grab your Bible, or simply have a slow morning of prayer and reflection as you prepare for your day. Consider checking out your screen time numbers and setting a reminder to spend less time on those apps this week. If you’re up for a bigger challenge, don’t use any of your social media apps this week and see what God has in store for you in place of that!

If you don’t have social media, consider sacrificing something else to spend more time with God this week. Maybe that’s reading, or a repeat of giving up something from a previous week that may have been a challenge for you.

This Week’s Passage


Supplemental Passages

Matthew 9:18-26; James 1:2-4; Romans 8:28-29; Romans 5:1-5

+ Prayer Prompt

Spend time praying for people you know who are suffering, and for the areas where you may be experiencing pain too. Rest in the hope that Jesus uses our suffering for our good and His glory.


Help my heart believe that you know the hard things I’m going through. That you yourself lived a life of extreme hardship and struggle, and that your suffering was what brought me new life and that you call me to come to you when I’m suffering. Today, I’m choosing to trust you with all of my burdens and anxieties, because you’re the only one who can truly bear them. I believe you’re with me in my struggle or pain, and that in your perfect plan, you are using it to make me look more like you. Help me trust you fully. You are my refuge and my strength. In Jesus’ name I pray,


+ Reflection Questions

As you read and meditate on the Scriptures this week, here are some questions for reflection alone or in your Small Group:

  1. Why does suffering often lead us away from Jesus rather than to Him?
  2. What did you learn about Jesus or yourself this week as you read, prayed, fasted, and reflected?
  3. How have you seen Jesus use your suffering for His glory and your good?

Week 5, 3/30 | Longing - Jesus meets it.

+ Week 5 Fast and Reading
This Week’s Fast: Music

Many of us have our favorite playlists that we blast on the way to and from school every day or during a workout or when we’re cranking out homework or a vigorous study session. Music can make us feel comfortable and energized. How about leveraging that time each day to listen to music that grows your wonder of God? So, for a week, give up listening to “secular” music, and instead either choose to use your commutes for extended prayer, or listen to worship music asking God to grow you love for Him through it. If you don’t know where to start, try out the Spotify playlist our Student Ministry uses on Sundays: NESM Sunday Playlist

This Week’s Passage

READ JOHN 6:22-40

Supplemental Passages

Isaiah 55:1-3; John 15:1-11; Philippians 3:7-11; Psalm 145:14-21

+ Prayer Prompt

Spend time in prayer simply asking for a heart that believes that Jesus is enough. That He alone can satisfy the desires and longings of your heart.

Dear God,

Your Word says that “You make known to me the path of life. And at your right hand are pleasures forevermore”. You alone are my greatest satisfaction and joy, but the enemy wants me to believe the lie that you’re not enough. Too often, I choose to believe that there are other things that can satisfy me in ways only you can and I’m left feeling empty. Help me to see how all of the other things I’m chasing for satisfaction fall short in comparison to being known and loved by You. Please forgive me for the times I’ve tried to replace you and give me strength to always believe Jesus is more than enough for me. That He alone can satisfy my longings and desires. In Jesus’ name I pray,


+ Reflection Questions

As you read and meditate on the scriptures this week, here are some helpful questions for reflection alone or in your Small Groups:

  1. Why are we so prone to believe that the world can satisfy our hearts?
  2. What did you learn about Jesus, or yourself this week as you read, prayed, fasted, and reflected?
  3. How has Jesus specifically met the longings of your heart, soul, and mind? How have you experienced that “He is enough” for you?

Week 6, 4/6 | Death - Jesus defeats it.

+ Week 6 Fast and Reading
This Week’s Fast: Shopping for Non-essentials

We live in a world that wants us to buy more stuff. We’re told that we’re not satisfied unless we have the latest tech or fashion trends. By embracing simplicity rather than consumption, we tell ourselves, and the world, that Jesus is enough for us. So, this week, at Target, say no to non-essentials and merely buy what you need.

This Week’s Passage

JOHN 11:17-44

Supplemental Passages

Luke 7:11-17; Luke 8:40-56; 1 Cor. 15:12-56; Rev. 21:1-8

+ Prayer Prompt

Spend time mourning death in our world, but rejoicing in your hope that in Christ, you too will have victory over death.

Dear Lord,

This world is broken and how quick I am reminded that it too will pass away. I hate that because of sin, death is a reality everyone has to face. I can’t wait for the day where death will be no more. Jesus, you faced the death that I deserved so that I could be forgiven of my sin, and restored into perfect relationship with God. And You say that You “are the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.” In a world of death, help me believe that truth: that because of Your work, death doesn’t have the final say over my life. I too will rise. In Jesus’ name I pray,


+ Reflection Questions

As you read and meditate on the scriptures this week, here are some helpful questions for reflection alone or in your Small Group:

  1. What comes to your mind as you think of death? Is it a topic that you think about often, if at all?
  2. What did you learn about Jesus, or yourself this week as you read, prayed, fasted, and reflected?
  3. What does the truth that Jesus defeated death comfort you?

Week 7, 4/13 | Resurrection Life - Jesus offers it.

+ Week 7 Fast and Reading
This Week’s Fast: Sleep

“Skip sleeping for a whole week?!” Not at all! But the challenge is that you would either get up an hour earlier or stay up an hour later to spend extended time with Jesus. It’s a fitting fast, seeing that Jesus stayed awake in the Garden of Gethsemane to pray in the final hours before He went to the cross for us. Fast sleep to reserve extra time with our Lord.

Holy Week Passages
+ Prayer Prompt

Spend time in prayer marveling at the work of Jesus and rejoicing in the grace He’s offered you through his life, death, and resurrection.


Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ, to die the death that I deserve. Face the punishment of a sinner, even though he never sinned, so that in Him I might become the righteousness of God. Thank you for your generous and loving grace that you’ve given me now because of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Help my heart never get over the Gospel and my need for Jesus. He alone is my salvation. He alone is my King. And it’s in His name I pray,


+ Reflection Questions

As you read and meditate on the scriptures this week, here are some helpful questions for reflection alone or in your Small Group:

  1. How was it to walk through the events of Holy Week?
  2. What did you learn about Jesus, or yourself this week as you read, prayed, fasted, and reflected?
  3. How has practicing the season of Lent better prepared you for the joy and truth of Resurrection Sunday?

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