We are so excited the summer is here! We’ve got a lot of opportunities for our students to laugh, connect, and grow together. Find all the ways to get involved this summer here, and don’t forget to register for all you want to be a part of!
*Please note that we will promote our students to their new grade level in August, so students will participate in activities designed for the grade level they just completed for the summer.
  • Summer Sundays
  • Engage
  • Equip

This summer, our Middle and High School Ministries will come together each Sunday for worship, games, testimonies, and a series called “He Is”. In this series, we’ll be led by our Summer Interns and some of our Student Leaders as we look at the statements Jesus made about who he is and what that means for us. We’ll also set aside 2 Sundays to spend time in worship and prayer together as we prepare to go to camp and as we prepare for the new school year and all of the opportunities it will bring.

There’s no registration required, just meet us in the Student Ministry Building on Sundays at 9am.

Engage is a series of fun events designed to build community and create opportunities for meaningful conversations. Check out the details for our events below, including MS and HS only events, and then scroll to the bottom of the page to get registered. You can sign up for all the events you want to attend at once, or one week at a time. Pay attention to those deadlines though!

Click HERE to Register

We’re excited to offer a new opportunity this summer with our incredible Summer Interns!

In mid July, we’ll begin offering Equip Groups. These groups will be offered on Tuesday evenings for High School students and on Thursday afternoons for Middle School Students. Students can bring lunch or dinner (or eat before they come) and join our interns for one of three class options for a short 3 week study.

Registration for these classes is required and space is limited. Our three classes are about Ephesians, Emotions, and Evangelism. Sign up now!

Register Now

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