There are certain things in life that mark us and leave us forever changed… like an experience, a tragedy, a powerful story. But of all the things to really shape us and leave us forever changed, relationships mark the top of the list. A powerful word spoken into our lives; a mentor who shaped us and equipped us; a friend who stuck with us. There is something powerful in God’s design of presence; and perhaps this is exactly why God so designed our spiritual maturity to come through community.

In this 8 week series we are going to explore God’s design for discipleship – the power of a life on life relationship designed to draw you closer to God and help you look more like Jesus. Join us as we explore what these relationships look like and how we can all better live into the calling that God has given us to “go and make disciples.”

LifeGroup Discussion Questions

9/12 – Discipleship is Personal

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9/19 – Discipleship is Missional

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9/26 – Discipleship is Transferable

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10/3 – How to be a Timothy

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10/10 – How to be a Paul

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